This factory sealed racing engine with ground cam and controlled piston pop-up (reducing compression variance) is hand-built in Milwaukee, WI. using precision tooling and fixtures to achieve unparalleled repeatability.
The simple, straightforward rule set is controlled by the manufacturer--not a sanctioning body--and is designed to maintain a stock configuration right down to the factory shipped carburetor jets. Manufacturer control of the rules insures that the integrity of this sealed-engine program remains intact and stable over the long run.
This is the hardware kit required to fasten the LO206 chain guard to the stock Briggs side cover. This kit comes with 2 BHCS bolts and two locking washers.
This Silver model chain from EK is for a #35 pitch gear and is 106 links long (approximately 40"). There is no master links and each link can be modified to fit the desired length.