Home :: Seats & Seat Mounting :: G-Seats :: G-Seat 'DS1' Standard Shell

G-Seat 'DS1' Standard Shell

G-Seat 'DS1' Standard Shell

The G-Seat karting seat uses a unique lightning pattern fiberglass weave which maximizes uniformity throughout the seat.

The DS version is deeper and features a more rounded bottom compared to the ES version.

PLEASE NOTE: Shipping seats is costly. Seats must be boxed for shipping and are charged by "Dimensional Weight." We will do all we can to minimize the size of the box and your actual shipping cost may be less than what is published in your shopping cart.  Your card is only authorized, not chraged, when you place your order.  Once actual shipping costs are calculated and your order is adjusted accordingly, your card will be charged prior to shipping.

SKU 096973
Weight 4.00 lbs
Our price: $249.00
G-Seat Size
Quantity Out of stock
1 3/8" Axle
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